Gpttmpl.Inf Cannot Be Accessed

Gpttmpl.Inf Cannot Be Accessed

12/19/2013  · The problem is, that the when I make the change in the GptTmpl.inf File, the change is not visible in the settingreport on the DC itself, but in the panel on the DC itself, the setting is visible. At the moment it’s not important that the setting is applied on the clients and other server (for this, I could use gpupdate /force to test), 4/29/2020  · If a Gpttmpl.inf file contains no reference to SeNetworkLogonRight or to SeDenyNetworkLogonRight, those settings are not defined in the policy and that policy is not causing this issue. If those entries do exist, make sure that they match the settings listed earlier for the Default Domain Controller policy.

Hi One of our domain controllers cannot access the GptTmpl.inf under: \localhostsysvolNSFC.LO CALPolici es{31B2F3 40-016D-11 D2-945F-00 C04FB984F9}MACHINE Microsoft Windows NTSecEdit I can access this file from the other two DC’s be it locally or on any of the other servers.

6/18/2016  · \DomainNamesysvolDomainNamePolicies{GUID}MachineMicrosoftWindows NTSecEdit GptTmpl.inf . This event is basically saying that the group policy with the GUID listed in the path, cannot be replicated (propagated) to another domain controller.

The setting [File Security] from file [\domaincontroller.domain-name.doma in-suffix sysvoldom ain-name.d omain-suff ixPolicie s{DBAD780 0-DF07-493 9-A89F-7BA 1C594A8CD} Machinem icrosoftw indows ntSecEdit GptTmpl.inf] cannot be accessed .

default domain policy can not backup normally. If I am off base, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Let us refer to the following steps to troubleshoot the issue: I. If you have another DC, rename GptTmpl.inf to GptTmplold.inf and copy the GptTmpl.inf from another DC to the problematic DC. II.

2/26/2009  · That didn’t work. I then took a closer look into the policy that was unzipped. I noticed after digging further into the guts of this policy that it was in fact missing not only this file but also GptTmpl.inf and install.ins. The culprit was Outlook blocking certain types of files due to a security configuration.
